How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Children with Autism

By: Husam Yaghi

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly revolutionizing various aspects of our lives, and the field of education is no exception. In particular, AI has the potential to significantly enhance the education of children with autism. By offering personalized instruction, support, and data-driven analysis, AI can cater to the unique needs of each child and transform their learning experience. In this article, we list readily available tools to aid children with Autism.

Numerous researchers have published concept papers on the use of AI to aid and advance teaching and learning in general.  Mr. Guy Huntington wrote several articles about the concept of a Digital Learning Twin (DLT); an AI-bot which parents obtain for their children just like they obtain a birth certificate.  That DLT would be fed with the child’s health and physical details.  At school, or even before enrolling, the health care clinic would use such a DLT to aid in the learning assessment for the child.  This includes her abilities to see, hear, smell, eye/hand coordination, ability to work with others, etc. Then, an Individualized Education Plan would be created.

Specifically for education of children with Autism, several authors have made significant contributions; such as:

Nilanjan Sarkar: Nilanjan Sarkar is a researcher and professor specializing in robotics and AI for children with autism. His work focuses on developing socially assistive robots that can help children with autism improve their social skills. His research papers and publications provide valuable insights into the use of AI in autism intervention.

Matthew Goodwin: Matthew Goodwin is a professor and researcher who has extensively studied the use of AI and technology for individuals with autism. His book “Social Robots in the Therapy of Autism” explores the role of AI-driven social robots in enhancing social interactions and communication skills in children with autism.

Connie Kasari: Connie Kasari is a professor of human development and psychology who has conducted research on early intervention and treatment for children with autism. While her work does not exclusively focus on AI, she has written extensively on innovative technologies, including AI, as potential tools for autism intervention.

Jonathan Tarbox: Jonathan Tarbox is a clinical psychologist and researcher who has written about evidence-based interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). His work includes discussions on the use of technology and AI-driven applications in supporting individuals with autism.

Readily Available AI-Powered Tools for Children with Autism

BrainCo is a company that develops AI-powered brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). BCIs can be used to help children with autism to communicate and control their environment with their minds. For example, BrainCo’s BCI can be used to control a wheelchair or to generate speech.

Proloquo2Go: Proloquo2Go is a speech therapy app that uses AI to help children with autism to communicate. The app uses a variety of features, such as text-to-speech and voice recognition, to help children to communicate their thoughts and needs.

ABA Genie: ABA Genie is an app that uses AI to help children with autism to learn basic skills, such as following instructions and identifying objects. The app uses a variety of features, such as games and rewards, to keep children engaged and motivated.

Sensory Playground: Sensory Playground is an app that uses AI to create a customized sensory experience for children with autism. The app allows children to choose from a variety of stimuli, such as lights, sounds, and vibrations, to create a sensory experience that is calming and enjoyable for them.

MindScope is an AI-powered tool that can be used to track and analyze the eye gaze of children with autism. MindScope can be used to assess the child’s communication skills, attention skills, and social skills.

SocialEyes is an AI-powered tool that can be used to teach children with autism about social cues and body language. SocialEyes uses a variety of features, such as videos and games, to help children lear and practice these skills.

CogniLearn is an AI-powered tool that can be used to assess and train the cognitive skills of children with autism. CogniLearn uses a variety of features, such as games and exercises, to help children improve their attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Benefits of Using AI in the Education of Children with Autism

Improved Learning Outcomes: AI can help children with autism to learn more effectively and efficiently. For example, studies have shown that AI-powered tutors can help children with autism to improve their reading and math skills.

Increased Engagement: AI-powered tools can make learning more fun and engaging for children with autism. For example, AI-powered games can help children to learn new concepts in a more hands-on way.

Reduced Teacher Workload: AI can help to reduce the workload of teachers, so that they can focus on teaching and interacting with their students. For example, AI can be used to grade essays and provide feedback to students.

More Equitable Education: AI can help to make education more equitable for children with autism. For example, AI-powered tutors can provide personalized support to children who need it most, regardless of their location or background.


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform the education of children with autism by offering personalized learning experiences, facilitating communication and social skills development, aiding sensory processing, and enabling data-driven analysis. While challenges such as cost, equity, ethics, and AI bias exist, when implemented thoughtfully and ethically, AI can serve as a powerful tool in providing inclusive and effective education for children with autism. By leveraging the benefits of AI and combining it with evidence-based practices and human support, we can unlock the full potential of children with autism and help them thrive in their educational journey.

Disclaimer: “This blog post was researched and written with the assistance of artificial intelligence tools.”