Leave a Legacy

Dr. Husam Yaghi is an accomplished professional with a strong business acumen and a profound understanding of regional and global trends in emerging technologies, with over 30 years of diverse experience, including 10 years of teaching and research at prestigious universities in the USA. Dr. Yaghi holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Throughout his career, he has been honored with numerous excellence and distinction awards, and he proudly holds life memberships in Eta Kappa Nu and other esteemed academic and service excellence organizations.

Even though he’s always been a very disciplined man, yet he believes that “the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; while the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.; therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”  ― George Bernard Shaw

Yaghi’s motto is: ‘Success is Leaving an Impact.’

Dr. Husam Yaghi’s impressive achievements and dedication to innovation and social impact highlight his exceptional abilities as a leader, mentor, and catalyst for positive change in the technology and business sectors.

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My profile:   <profile> which could be downloaded for offline reading as well.
My LinkedIn profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaghi/
My tweets are found here:  https://twitter.com/hyaghi

My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@samyaghi
My LinkedIn articles:  <here>

I climbed the ladder of life from the bottom all the way to where I am now. I was financially poor, but was rich with morals, faith, and education.  Over 40 years ago, I learned and mastered chess.  My coach was a chess champion in Jordan who was visually impaired (blind man), Dr. Mohamed Younis (bless his soul).  I still have that very first chess board which was specially made for the visually impaired.

Long ago, I published a heavily mathematical book on Reservoir Simulation along with a computer program to predict the amount of oil or gas in a given geographical area.

Over 30 years ago, I designed, implemented, and managed one of the first FDDI high speed backbones connecting several engineering buildings and linking to a national high-speed research network; the Synthesis Coalition.  At the same time, I secured external funding to build the first Internet & email network on campus; BitNet; funded by the National science Foundation.

About 15 years ago, I helped build a technology startup; Kahmas Technology, for my friend Dr. Nayef Al-Rodhan, the most brilliant Arab neurosurgeon, philosopher, and writer.

Last but not least, I’m a lousy husband, a photographer, a chess player, and a peace lover.   I love women: my mother, my wife, my daughters, and my sisters.