How Could we Raise Children Who Produce Technology not just Consume

I usually get a lot of bewildered stares and a single burning question: “how did you do it?” The truth? No tiger parenting, no early calculus drills. Just a whole lot of love, laughter, and, you guessed it, technology. Now, before you envision robot nannies raising robot children, let me assure you, it wasn’t a screen-filled dystopia. Technology was their jungle gym, not their babysitter. It fueled their curiosity, ignited their creativity, and propelled them forward. But like any powerful tool, it needed responsible handling. Here’s the nitty-gritty of those lessons learned:

Books weren’t tossed aside, Legos still built castles, and nature remained a constant draw. Screens weren’t the enemy, but they weren’t a free-for-all either. Coding became a gateway to logic, Minecraft a canvas for engineering marvels, and online communities opened doors to global perspectives. It was a constant dance, balancing pixels and paintbrushes, algorithms and adventures. The key? Finding that sweet spot where technology enhanced their world, not replaced it.

Banning tech is like denying fire for warmth. Instead, I became their co-pilot, navigating the digital landscape together. We explored educational apps, deciphered coding tutorials, and discussed online safety like it was bicycle-riding wisdom. Trust was paramount, but so was verification. Open communication, regular screen-time audits, and clear boundaries became our guiding principles.

My kids built apps, but they also built friendships online and volunteered offline. Technology was a tool, not a substitute for empathy and compassion. We discussed the ethics of algorithms, the dangers of social media echo chambers, and the importance of using technology to connect, not isolate. It was a constant reminder that in the digital world, humanity reigns supreme.

Passive entertainment was never the goal. We encouraged creation, not consumption. My daughter used chatbots to teach English to refugee children, my son coded games promoting environmental awareness, and my younglings built mobile apps to help teenagers navigate online interactions safely. Technology became a platform for their ideas, a springboard for making a difference in the world.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Digital meltdowns, cyberbullying scares, and the lure of instant gratification were our unwelcome guests. But amidst the challenges, there were triumphs. Witnessing their problem-solving skills blossom through coding, seeing their confidence soar after completing an online course, and celebrating their contributions to the community through tech-driven initiatives – these were the moments that made it all worthwhile.

  • Lead by example: Be mindful of your own screen time and model healthy technology habits.
  • Open communication: Foster open dialogues about online safety, cyberbullying, and responsible tech use.
  • Set clear boundaries: Establish screen-time limits, device-free zones, and age-appropriate content restrictions.
  • Embrace co-piloting: Explore the digital world together, learn alongside them, and offer guidance without hovering.
  • Encourage creation: Channel their tech energy into building apps, coding games, or creating online content.
  • Humanity above all: Remind them that technology is a tool, not a replacement for empathy, compassion, and face-to-face connections.

Raising tech-savvy kids isn’t about raising digital natives. It’s about raising well-rounded individuals who can leverage technology for good, navigate the digital landscape with purpose, and remain grounded in the real world of human connection. The future belongs to those who can harness the power of technology while staying true to their values. Let’s equip them with the tools and wisdom to do just that.

By: Husam Yaghi 

Disclaimer: “This blog post was researched and written with the assistance of artificial intelligence tools.”