The Growing Influence of Islamic Finance: Beyond Faith

By:  Husam Yaghi

Islamic finance and banking, once predominantly associated with Muslim-majority countries, is gaining traction in non-Islamic regions such as America and Europe. The principles of ethical finance, risk-sharing, and asset-backed transactions have attracted interest from individuals, businesses, and institutions seeking alternative financial systems. This article explores the growing influence of Islamic finance and banking in America and Europe, highlighting key impacts and developments in these regions.

Principles of Islamic Finance

Islamic finance operates on the principles of Sharia, which prohibits usury (riba) and promotes ethical and socially responsible financial practices. The fundamental principles include:

  • Prohibition of Riba: Islamic finance prohibits charging or paying interest. Instead, it promotes profit-sharing arrangements, where returns are derived from shared risks and rewards.
  • Prohibition of Gharar: Gharar refers to excessive uncertainty or ambiguity in a transaction. Islamic finance encourages transparency and requires contracts to be clear and free from ambiguity.
  • Prohibition of Haram Activities: Islamic finance avoids investments in sectors deemed haram (forbidden), such as alcohol, gambling, and pork-related industries. It promotes ethical investments that align with Islamic values.

Benefits that Extend Beyond Faith

Islamic financial products are designed to be fair and ethical, extending benefits beyond the realm of faith. These products offer several advantages for individuals and businesses, including:

  • A Safe and Secure Haven for Savings and Investments: Islamic finance provides a secure and ethical platform for saving and investing money, fostering trust and confidence among investors.
  • Financial Inclusion for All: Islamic finance promotes financial inclusion by making financial services accessible to people who may not be able to access traditional banking services.
  • Access to Sharia-Compliant Financing for Business Growth: Islamic finance offers businesses access to Sharia-compliant financing, enabling them to expand and grow while adhering to ethical principles. 

Examples of successful ventures 

  • Wahed Invest: Wahed Invest is a robo-advisor that offers a range of Sharia-compliant investment products, including mutual funds, ETFs, and sukuk.
  • Zoya: Zoya is a financial technology company that offers a mobile banking app that provides Sharia-compliant banking services, including checking and savings accounts, debit cards, and personal loans.
  • Amana Funds: Amana Funds is a mutual fund company that offers a range of Sharia-compliant mutual funds.
  • Bank of London and the Middle East: BLME is a fully Sharia-compliant bank with numerous products and services in the UK.
  • Gatehouse: Gatehouse Bank is a fully Sharia-compliant bank with numerous products and services in the UK.
  • QIB: QIB is a fully Sharia-compliant bank with numerous products and services in the UK.
  • Barclays Bank UK: Barclays Bank UK offers a range of Sharia-compliant banking products and services, including home financing, personal financing, and business financing.
  • Lloyds Bank UK: Lloyds Bank UK offers a range of Sharia-compliant personal finance products, including home financing and personal loans.
  • Standard Chartered Saadiq: Standard Chartered Saadiq is a subsidiary of Standard Chartered that offers Sharia-compliant banking products and services to customers in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
  • Deutsche Bank AG: Deutsche Bank AG offers a range of Sharia-compliant banking products and services, including sukuk issuance and Islamic asset management.
  • BNP Paribas: BNP Paribas offers a range of Sharia compliant products in the UK and other European countries.

A Positive Trend with Growing Momentum

Islamic finance and banking are experiencing a surge in influence in America and Europe. The diversification of investment opportunities, integration of Sharia-compliant financing, promotion of ethical and responsible finance, development of the Islamic capital market, education and awareness initiatives, and collaboration between Islamic and conventional financial institutions are driving this trend. As the principles of Islamic finance continue to resonate with individuals and institutions seeking alternative financial systems, the influence of Islamic finance and banking in America and Europe is poised for further expansion in the years to come.


Disclaimer: “This blog post was researched and written with the assistance of artificial intelligence tools.”