Unlocking the Potential of Distributed Ledger Technology

By:  Husam Yaghi

The unveiling of the Qatar Central Bank’s Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) guidelines has paved the way for groundbreaking innovation in the nation’s financial sector. One such opportunity lies in creating a lending marketplace intermediary, drawing inspiration from Saudi Arabia’s Qardi platform but leveraging the power of DLT for enhanced security, transparency, and efficiency. This article explores the potential of DLT in building a lending marketplace tailored to the needs of Qatar’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The Saudi Qardi Platform: A Successful Model with Room for DLT Enhancement

Qardi, a Saudi Arabian lending marketplace platform, developed by the author’s team and secured the central bank’s license, exemplifies the power of connecting borrowers and lenders. It provides individuals and businesses with a secure and convenient avenue to access credit. Developed in 2022, Qardi addresses a market gap by offering borrowers access to diverse lenders, including banks, financial institutions, and individual investors. However, Qardi’s success relies primarily on non-DLT technology, leaving room for improvement through DLT integration.

Unleashing the Power of DLT in Lending Marketplaces

DLT offers significant advantages that can revolutionize lending marketplace platforms:

  • Enhanced Security:DLT’s decentralized and cryptographic nature ensures tamper-proof transaction recording, fostering trust and confidence in data integrity.  For example, each transaction is cryptographically signed and added to the ledger, making it virtually impossible to alter or delete records. This significantly reduces the risk of fraud and manipulation.
  • Unparalleled Transparency: DLT provides real-time visibility into all transactions, empowering stakeholders to monitor loan statuses effortlessly. For example, both borrowers and lenders can track the progress of a loan, from disbursement to repayment, on a shared, immutable ledger. This transparency fosters trust and accountability.
  • Streamlined Efficiency: DLT automates lending processes, minimizing manual intervention and expediting transactions. For example, smart contracts can automate loan disbursement upon fulfillment of pre-defined conditions, eliminating delays associated with manual processes and paperwork.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing reliance on intermediaries and automating operations, DLT can significantly lower lending costs. For example, automated KYC/AML checks through DLT can reduce the administrative burden on lenders, leading to lower operational costs that can translate into better loan terms for borrowers.
  • Unmatched Scalability: DLT can handle massive transaction volumes, making it ideal for a lending marketplace serving a large user base. For example, as the platform grows and transaction volume increases, DLT can easily accommodate the increased load without compromising performance.

Constructing a DLT-based Lending Marketplace Intermediary for Qatar’s SMEs

Inspired by the Qatar Central Bank’s DLT guidelines, intrapreneurs can spearhead the creation of a DLT-powered lending marketplace intermediary. This platform would connect borrowers and lenders, providing SMEs with a secure, transparent, and efficient means to access credit. Seamless integration with existing financial systems, including banks and financial institutions, is crucial for a seamless user experience.

Key Features and Implementation of a DLT-based Lending Marketplace Intermediary

  1. Digital Identity:
    • Feature: Implement a decentralized and secure digital identity system to verify the identities of borrowers and lenders, enhancing trust and security.
    • Implementation: Utilize a permissioned blockchain network where trusted entities (e.g., banks) act as validators for identity verification. SMEs can create their digital identities, simplifying KYC/AML procedures for future transactions.
  2. Smart Contracts:
    • Feature: Automate lending operations, such as fund disbursement and payment collection, through self-executing smart contracts.
    • Implementation: Develop smart contracts that automatically release funds to borrowers upon loan approval and trigger repayment collection as per the agreed-upon schedule. This reduces manual intervention and minimizes the risk of errors or delays.
  3. Decentralized Ledger:
    • Feature: Leverage a decentralized ledger to ensure the immutability and reliability of recorded transactions, guaranteeing data trustworthiness.
    • Implementation: Utilize a blockchain platform like Hyperledger Fabric or R3 Corda to create a permissioned ledger accessible to authorized participants. This ensures data integrity and transparency throughout the lending process.
  4. Interoperability:
    • Feature: Design the platform for seamless integration with existing financial systems, fostering synergy with banks and financial institutions.
    • Implementation: Utilize APIs and standardized data formats to enable communication between the DLT-based platform and traditional banking systems. This allows for smooth data exchange and facilitates efficient loan processing.


The Qardi platform has demonstrated the potential of a lending marketplace intermediary in the Middle East. With the Qatar Central Bank’s recent release of DLT guidelines, intrapreneurs can build a DLT-based lending marketplace intermediary that leverages the benefits of DLT technology. By providing a secure, transparent, and efficient way for SMEs to access credit, the platform can help to fill a gap in the market and support the growth of Qatar’s economy.


Disclaimer: “This blog post was researched and written with the assistance of artificial intelligence tools.”